Personal Matlab Library
Most of my work in graduate school was done in MATLAB. Looking back, I wish I had available the more advanced tools we have today. At the time, however, I had built up a messy but useful collection of common library functions. Things like dirfull, a dir command that also keeps track of full path names and other useful system file info; maxfilter, an image processing operation which transforms images to their local maximum value, parameterized by a kernel; resolveMissingOptions, a tool allowing structured parameter passing in a key value map with defaults; or FourLayerColor, a way of visualizing sparse 3D matricies as images. I recently went through this pile of old code and tried to curate it a bit. Some of it is heavily project-dependent, and unlikely to be useful in other contexts. That said, there are gems in there that I will definitely continue to use until MATLAB reproduces the functionality in their std lib.
mostly 2002 - 2008, some minor work afterwards